Big success for MyOwnGallery with the opening of “Dolls”, last Lucchini’s exhibition where his colourful “puffe” (painted resin, shaped as bas-relieves) and “pupe”, (naive resin dolls) were shown. The Gallery also hosted Mattia Bosco’s cups-sculptures, Giovanni Gastel’s photographic interpretations and outside the gallery, an hanging installation realized by the mexican artist Rajmundo Sesma. This exhibition allows different artists, with the same attention to beauty, to meet and share experiences. On April 1st will take place a new multiple event in partnership with MiArt: at the MyOwnGallery ground-floor there will be videos, performances and music while at the first floor “Dolls” exhibition continues. MiArt is attracting a lot of creative people thought Milan: artists, curators, art dealers which during these days go everywhere around the city.