In the large laboratory in via Tortona, transformed by Lucchini into an Atelier (excluding the first period of experimentation in via Forcella 13) all the works by Lucchini, small or monumental, were born with the help of his assistants and the workshops of trust, where the plasterer, the modeler, the blacksmith, the coachbuilder, the fiberglass worker materialized sketches and maquettes in large sculptures. The atelier now comes back to life as a first approach to fashion-art and an open door to the gigantic archive kept in the warehouses of Superstudio's Basement, renamed "Museum". The ferment of manual work, the concentration of conceptual research are now transferred into a wider activity dedicated to an interested public, which starts from the memory of that creative factory and becomes an academy, talk-show, meetings with the protagonists, videos, presentations of books or other initiatives that interface art with beauty with work with culture with life.

At the end of the Superdesign Show journey at the FLA Museum, among the works of Flavio Lucchini, a delicate corner welcomes Mara Bragagnolo's inclusive collection, Nook. A series of innovative furnishings designed using an inclusive methodology that focuses on the needs and activities of autistic children. The furnishings, intended for use in children's libraries and inspired by the Montessori methodology, aim to create a space where children feel free to be themselves and interact without encountering restrictions, but rather opportunities.

Can art, science, and spirituality converge to create a collective work of art? After the incredible success of "The Meditating Mind" at the MAXXI Museum in Rome, the FLA Museum presents during Milano MuseoCity 2024, MEDITATION RAVE, on Saturday, March 2nd, from 10 am to 9 pm, a day dedicated to the contamination between art, spirituality, and science, guided by Daniel Lumera. A naturalist biologist, internationally bestselling author, and expert in wellness sciences and meditation, Lumera has introduced meditative practice into businesses, schools, hospitals, prisons, and organizations over 30 years of experience, contributing to a profound transformation in terms of awareness and quality of life in the social fabric in Italy and abroad.

Special guest" at the FlavioLucchiniArt Museum on the occasion of the Super Design Show 2022, Clara Tolomeo, an artist of the Italian creative scene, debuted as a painter, but since 1997 she has devoted herself to chair-sculptures that soon became the absolute protagonists of her work and that she presents on this occasion, in a significant selection of extraordinary aesthetic impact, with a solo exhibition, "Never rest on my laurels."

Dear friends,
now in September 2021, I’ll be almost 93, and I will also inaugurate the birth of my little Museum that collects my thirty years’ work dedicated to art, after a life lived with passion in the fashion sector as a journalist and creator of fashion newspapers.
I’ve always considered fashion not with a consumer perspective but as a proof of our lives in the time in which we live, as an expression of ourselves, a means to communicate who we are or who we would like to be as responsible creators of our image.
When I turned 60 years old, I gave up the job that I loved so much and that had given me so much success to lock myself in my studios, not to be an artist as the galleries expected, but to fix what fashion has been to me and the change that it has created in time within us and around us. Not only frivolities and money, but epochal changes that have not been quick for everyone (the world is complex and cultures very different from each other).